Blog 2019

Järfälla vinterstämma

January 18th 2020

The first spelmansstämma this year. Nowadays in Jakobsberg. We catch Angeltune on the way, and after check-in we have a fika. The night before, we asked why people go to spelmansstämmor. And the answer was ... to have coffee and meet people. And if it happends we good play, that will be a bonus. But this year it was good play with rye. We found a small place to play and after a few minutes arrived secondtuneswitcher. A base turning up but, Bluewing saved the situation up and finds a lessonroom (yes, it was a school we was on) We take possession of it, and the whole gang from the Tuna gig is included. Four hours of gold play.

Guitarmaker, Secondtuneswitcher, and Fastreel.

Angeltune and Bluewing

The teacher with the cittra.

Tillbaka till toppen

Music.... is life.