
2010 September

September 30th

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Bad cold in cool weather. Have to rest from playing a couple of days. Watching the slender colors of degrees below freezing point.

September 23th

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Urban world meeting stone. So tired.

September 12th

20100912 (37K)

rosehip, remains of autumn

September 11th

Night of Culture

Nice evening. This year it was not so much time for wandering at all exhibitions, because of the playing at Uplands.

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Dancing olders.

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Dancing youth.

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Art over Fyris.

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Concert at Uplands. The bagman with friends. Great arrangement. Kattguld plays....Time to get a new name to our band.More pictures at It-pedagogen

September 10th

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Dreamlight in the evening

September 9th


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Torbjörn, Bosse, and Bengan.

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September 4th

Boxes of tunes? Probably a schottis.

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September 2th


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September 1th

Lovely week of endless training for the night of culture.
